Innovative Crop Protection Chemistry for a Global Market
Increase sustainability of the crop protection products by reducing dose rates, minimizing environmental loading and extending patent life
We improve the sustainability of crop protection products
Redag has developed techniques which enable significant dose rate reduction whilst delivering the same levels of efficacy
We enable customers to improve the environmental profile of their products and extend their life cycles
Our techniques allow innovation in known active ingredients – reducing innovation risk and reward with extended IP protection
Redag has development candidates from herbicides, insecticides and fungicides
How We Do It
Redag makes minor molecular changes to targeted active ingredients, this results in a new structure but one which mimics the original and has increased efficacy
We synthesise, screen and patent, building a portfolio of improved crop protection active ingredients
We operate an agile and efficient platform, speedily commencing work and turning results around to rapidly make project decisions for progressing or ceasing work
Safety and sustainability is at the core of our values
Would you like to know more?
Contact our team for any commercial or investment enquiries
Redag Crop
Number One Circle Square
3 Symphony Park
M1 7FS